Want to Collaborate with Ter Scott?

Hello, Ter Scott here. I’ve been asked by contacts on social media and networking groups how someone can partner with me. As The Life & Legacy Coach™ and Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™ I do so many things and wear different hats depending on who I’m am helping to do more to do more, be more and have more.

The first and easiest way to help each other is to have a clear understanding of what it is that you do, what you offer, who you offer it to and then tell me about it. You can use any of the contact methods presented in my blogs and materials to get in touch. I will then reply and market you in many ways at no fee. I have systems in place to do this and it doesn’t cost me (except my time) to do this so I’m glad to do so; however, you need to be concise and supply the answers to those questions. I will help you with no strings attached.

Now if you would like to assist me in telling others what it is that I offer when I reply to you via email I may include my most current events and online opportunities which I think are relevant to what it is that you do. If you would like to tell others or join me in those opportunities simply apply to join.

That’s it. It is very easy for us to help each other. Let’s be clear (and it is not only me saying this, I hear this from the “giants” in business) with networking groups everyone is there to talk about themselves and what they do (sadly most don’t have a clear vision as to what they do but even if you don’t want to collaborate with me, if you answer those questions above, you will). And even with social media like LinkedIn most people just want to see their posts published and don’t go further in making real contact with real people with real business to make real transactions either in communication or monetarily.

If you are reading this, you are not “Most People”.  Let me know about you and what you do. I know people. I can help spread the word about you and what you do. Then, in return, if you’d like, tell others about me.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott! 

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