What Ter Scott thinks of Dean Graziosi's 30 Day Challenge

My friend Dean has started something exceptional; it’s a 30-day challenge that you can do within 3 minutes every day online and I’m at Day 3 myself and will tell you that it is a lot of fun! Sure it has me “thinking” but I know that I will not only be 30 days older in 30 days but a whole lot better.

Dean actually calls it The Better Life Challenge and the only cost is … wait for it; your time. Oh yeah, it is no cost to you and no obligation etc. etc. He’s even giving away what he calls ethical bribes; he is even giving away a Tesla. (You’ve got to at least CLICK HERE to see the picture!).

I’m not getting a cent to share this with you but I believe so much in the power of giving, the secret of living is giving and the abundance principle in life that I’m letting you know about it.


I’ve shared this with my kids and close friends I know and we’re doing this together. I am inviting you to join me during your 30 days. As I mentioned, I’m already on Day 3 so when you start I will be a few days ahead of you but that’s good; I can answer questions if you have any. But here’s the great part. I will share my thoughts about each day in separate blog posts and you can share your thoughts in the comments.

I’m a big fan of Dean and his work. Here’s the link to start with Dean.

Let’s be 30 days better (together) in 30 days!

Ter Scott!

Get started with Dean's free program (remember, I'm just being a friend when sharing this with you; like Dean, this is all about you) and leave your comments about your first day below! 

My next blog message will be at this site (go here tomorrow). 
Yesterday’s comment is here

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