These local "No Cost" Facebook pages will Grow Online Traffic for your Twin Ports Area Business.

Here are several Facebook pages where you can advertise your business at no cost and use the amazing power of Facebook leverage for free.

Ideally, you should reside or conduct business in these localities but it is not necessary. As long as you have a legit business, product or service which will benefit those living and doing business in the area, go ahead and post your business card or display ad.

You can post notices about your business, events, business cards, specials; truly anything about your business which would interest consumers.

Now to increase the power of Facebook and create links which take people to your website, online store or even your physical location, follow any or all of these steps.

Post something weekly about your business but remember this "rule". Post 2 "feel good" posts such as tips about your industry, or business to every one of your "ad" posts.

Post your link in the comments area of your post.

Ask people to comment, like and share.

That's it. If you can offer other ways to get more traction with your Facebook action, share in the comments below.

Now for the links for the Facebook pages where you can simply copy and paste your "ad" and "feel good" posts. (You'll see a real example of one of my "live" ads which I use after the links).

Just be sure when you are posting on these sites that you follow the specific policies for each (and of course those of Facebook).

Here is an example of my two "feel good" posts, the first is a few lines of content, the next is a picture or "poster" of tips; I'm sure your get the idea. I just "copy and paste" into each by clicking one of the above links and posting (ideally you'll want to let a day or so lapse between posts. You can have a staff member, virtually assistant do this or "schedule" your posts).

First you would use a few lines of content:

Save up to $9,600 for Every Employee You Hire -

Next, consider a post with tips such as this one I found on the Internet (note that I showed the credits as to where I found the tips):

And finally, my third post is my actual ad: 

So now post your ads on these free Facebook sites and watch your free traffic grow! Copy this link and save it to use to return to this page in the future:

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