The Frankie Cox Story/Enter for a chance to Win Two Free Tickets...

WINNER, WINNER! Brandon Monson, you are the winner of the 2 free tickets to Preview night, Thursday, January 31. Please let me know you can attend within 24 hours and I’ll be sure to have your two tickets waiting for you at the location!

Ter Scott Everyone else, you'll get a discount when you call the museum and preorder. Here's the link:

Enter for a chance to win two tickets 

for the preview show 

on Thursday, January 31st at the 

Douglas County Historical Museum 

in Superior Wisconsin!

Enter on either of these pages or both for extra chances! 
Profit Protectors and Ter Scott MONEY MARKETING MOTIVATION

Hello all! You are invited to The Frankie Cox story! See the details on the poster and get your tickets now; first night I think is already sold out.

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Here are some of my recent comments: 

This play truly is going to be something very special. Yes, the talent and the acting is really good, plus the music. But the whole idea of this subject and the story is phenomenal in the way it all comes out. I would suggest that high school students come and learn about it as history, that college students come as a group and watch it and maybe as a class assignment. At the end of every performance, there will be a question and answer time if you'd like to stick around for that. This is real history about real jazz and about a real person right here in Superior Wisconsin. Frankie Cox turned down an offer to play with the Benny Goodman band. And his daughter sang for Count Basie. We are talking about the real deal. So get your tickets, this promises to be very interesting, and entertaining production.

I’m privileged to be the assistant director or director’s assistant, or something like that, and work closely with the playwright/director Wes Kruse. And…

I have a small acting part and play in the jazz band! It’s shaping up to be a really great time for both the audience and everyone involved.

How would you like a chance to win two tickets for the 
Preview Night on Thursday, January 31st and watch the play
before the general audience sees it? 

All you have to do is
like my Facebook page, 
like and comment on the post
and share it. 

Like, comment and share; that’s all. 

Click here to go to my Facebook page! 

Enter on either of these pages or both for extra chances! 
Profit Protectors and Ter Scott MONEY MARKETING MOTIVATION

Then I’ll randomly select a winner on Monday, January 28th!   

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