Ter Scott Gets 1000 Twitter Followers in One Day, Here's How you can too!

Let's blow up my Twitter account with 1000 new subscribers in one day 
(and when you follow me on Twitter, I'll inform you of not great, 
but AWESOME tips, tools, and programs just like this one)! 

Want to be a winner? Want to succeed in business and in life? 
If you are going to "quit" then quit failing. 

Hello. My name is Ter Scott and I'm serious about business and life. I still have plenty of fun but I know that the people I want to associate with are those who are players in life. One way to be a player and to succeed is to communicate with others and to communicate with speed.

Enter "Twitter".

Sure, Twitter has been around for years but are you using it... consistently?

If so, we need to tweet!

I am always offering tips and tools to succeed in every area of your life and business.

For those who are current twitter friends (and for those who are going to sign up as a twitter friend right now), I'm offering a free webinar by my friend (and yours) T Harv Eker.

Register to be a twitter friend, and register for Harv's webinar.

And then....

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott.
Life and Legacy Coach/Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant

PS. Why am I partnering with Harv to get you this amazing webinar at no cost that you'll attend in the comfort of your own home or office? The first reason is to get more winners to join me on Twitter; maybe even 1000 in one day! Also, later when you love what you've learned you may consider purchasing some to Harv's products (and I'll make a small commission when you do; that should only be fair for me bringing this to you, right?)

Connect on Twitter

See you at Harv's online webinar

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