Get discounts and get paid when buying from these merchants...

Companies that you know and buy from (big box stores plus local “mom and pop” and small businesses) have invested millions of dollars to invite you to, or to continue to buy from them. Thousands of businesses are using marketing plan to offer you discounts and now even pays you to shop from them; either in person or online. You are probably already frequenting these stores but you don’t get these discounts or payments because you don’t know about them or how to get them, until now.

Here’s your card!

Your SHOPPING REWARDS CARD is absolutely free to you (because the discounts and payments to you are paid for by businesses like Sears, Kmart, Olive Garden and others as “marketing expense”). To get your free card that gets you these discounts and gets you paid is available at Shortly after you request your card you’ll receive instructions on how to use it and how to get a free app for your smart phone! There is also a contact number if you have more questions. “Our goal is to give away 1000 cards in 30 days”.  

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