What you are about to read concerns your business and how just 30 minutes of your time will have the greatest impact on its growth this year and for years to come. My name is Ter Scott. I’m the Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™ and I have 5 major things that you must know to not only compete in today’s market but frankly, to keep your doors open and making any kind of profit. People pay me $1000 per hour for my consulting but you won’t pay me a dime.
If you want to know more about “Ter Scott” and what I’ve done for small to large businesses (even Fortune 500 companies) do a Google search. For now, this letter is not about me; it’s about you, your business and whether you’ll simply survive during the next 4 to 8 years or literally thrive. Your business can be unrecognizable from what it is today when you put into action these 5 things which I am sharing with only a handful of business people. Perhaps you could search and find one or two of these principles (without my slant and “assignments”) on the Internet somewhere, but you won’t hear me share them in any of my public or radio talks, published papers or any of my Kindle books; this stuff is timeless, “cutting edge” and… PRIVATE.
In thirty minutes you’ll be equipped with 5 powerful philosophies which when you implement into what it is that you do will skyrocket your profits (without adding another dollar to your marketing budget) and actually give you more free time (without hiring more people).
So what’s the “catch” you ask; yes, there is always a catch.
One, you must sign an affidavit stating that you will never divulge these 5 things with anyone; other than maybe your key personal if you want. Secondly, you will agree to donate $100 to any charity of your choice. (You’ll remember that I started by saying that you will not pay me a dime for our time together - I’ve learned that people do not value something which “costs” them nothing).
If this intrigues you then I suggest that you immediately go to my web page and get all the details to request your 30-minute meeting at a location such as a restaurant or coffee shop near you (not at your office). I only do up to 10 of these per month so you’ll be placed on a waiting list when my schedule is filled.
I know only 3 out of every 100 people will respond to this invitation so if you are one of the 3%, I look forward to meeting with you. Go to (my web page) now. If not, I wish you the best and perhaps we may still work together in the future in some other capacity.
Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant ™
If you would like to register for a 30-minute time slot with Ter Scott and find out what the Power 5 is and how to implement it in your business, CLICK HERE. (If the web page isn't opening, please return again; it's probably being revised).
When we set a meeting time, the clock starts at that minute; if you are late we’ll spend the balance of the time together. If you miss the appointment, you’ll never have this opportunity again.
You will be under no obligation to purchase any further products, services or consulting and there is no high-pressure selling by me during our time.
If you cannot commit to ALL of the following, please do not ask to participate in the
The clock starts immediately at the confirmed meeting time and ends at 30 minutes (or may continue at the discretion of the consultant).
“Client” must agree to, complete affidavit and fax to consultant a minimum of 5 days prior to meeting time and date.
“Client” must present check ($100 or more) made out to and letter to the charity of choice in an open pre-addressed stamped envelope which consultant will seal at the meeting and mail after the meeting. If the check and letter is not present at the meeting, then the meeting is over.
If for any reason “client” is dissatisfied with the meeting, the check will still go to the charity.
"Consultant", Ter Scott will present sources for products and services to “client” without any obligation or sales pitch or pressure.
“Client” will not need to agree to any actions or further contact with the consultant.
More details are at: www.terscott.com/power5.
To inquire about this or any other Ter Scott product or service visit: